Where else can you can find Aliya aka PseudoMon?
Twitter is where you can most likely find me. You can also always e-mail me at aliya.nisa at yahoo.com. In the case of Twitter dying, please find me in any of these sites!
Twitter @PseudoMonious
I’m here pretty much all the time! Unfortunately!
Personal Blog blog.pseudomon.net
My self-hosted blog replaces my WordPress and Cohost blogs, and contain all my yelling too long for Twitter!
BlueSky @pseudomon.bsky.social
I don’t go here often but if Twitter dies for real this is where you’ll most likely find me cry
Discord @pseudomon
I don’t randomly accept friend request if I don’t already know you. Chat first!
Archive of Our Own PseudoMon
I write fanfics occassionally. Fire Emblem, Genshin, Arknights so far. Mostly rarepairs.
GitHub PseudoMon
When I’m posessed by the ghosts of web development, and the ghosts take hold of me long enough that I manage to make something nout of it, I throw the result there.
Tumblr? I’m PseudoMon there too
I’m not linking it but just so you know, if Twitter burn down hard enough I might just pick it back up.