Operator File

Voice Credits
Christina Kowalchuk
陈彦亦 (Yee Chen)
今井麻美 (Asami Imai)
서유리 (Seo Yu-ri)
Elisa Contestabile
Appointed as Assistant
Ehi, Doctor. Hope you don't mind if I bring my weapons inside. I'll plop myself right over here.Talk 1
Somebody out to get you, huh? Then have a long, hard think about who you might've wronged in the past.Talk 2
If someone's out for revenge on you, don't hesitate, just take them out. Once you decide to pick up a weapon, you don't need a reason to kill.Talk 3
It's been a while... I see that Texas made some friends. Hehehe... Affascinante! Can't wait to get to know them!Talk after Promotion 1
You think I'm an assassin, huh? Yeah, alright. Call me whatever you want. I can be anyone, do anything, kill anyone anytime. Just so long as I want to!Talk after Promotion 2
I love power, Doctor. And you offered me a job where I can use my power to my heart's content... Love it. Honestly, the only joy I get out of this insane world is using my power to conquer it.Talk after Trust Increase 1
Texas? Ha, she's afraid of me, but I don't wanna do anything to her, except maybe try to bring back the old Texas. The one we got here's a cucciolo impaurito.Talk after Trust Increase 2
That red one... oh... Doctor, keep her away from me! She'd definitely kill me in a fight. But I have this feeling... this feeling... ugh, why do I want to fight her so badly?Talk after Trust Increase 3
You want to know what happened between me and Texas? Hehe, you don't have a single idea of what you are sticking your nose into. You'll find out the truth someday, but not from me.Idle
Sleep tight... enjoy your sweet dreams while you still can.Onboard
A great evil stands in the way of justice. My master, in the name of hatred and revenge, lead the weak onward!Watching Battle Record
Don't you just love how I keep getting more and more powerful?Promotion 1
Hahaha! Bene! I love how much you trust me. You can't say the same for Texas, right?Promotion 2
Molto bene! That's more like it! Strength, unfettered and unchained! That's what I'm talking about!Added to Squad
Make Texas the leader!Appointed as Squad Leader
Put Texas on my team!Depart
Haha, you people... I don't think I'll even remember your faces after this one... Anyway, let's just get started.Begin Operation
We're fighting you guys? Then please do your bestest job, or I'll be really bored.Selecting Operator 1
Show me what you've got.Selecting Operator 2
Tell me, what's your plan?Deployment 1
Solid positioning.Deployment 2
Ahahaha!In Battle 1
C'mon! C'eri quasi, tesoro!In Battle 2
Can you do it?In Battle 3
Just try me!In Battle 4
You'll have to try harder than that!4-star Result
It's over? Ah, che noia!3-star Result
Hahaha, sliced 'em up like a millefoglie. How do you like it?Sub 3-star Result
Not my best work. You can lay it on me for letting a few get away.Operation Failure
Bravo! Now I want to crush them that much harder! Hahaha!Assigned to Facility
Hm? Did I see a red shadow flash by?Tap
Haha!Trust Tap
The more I get to know you, the better I understand Texas. I Love it.Title
Arknights.New Year's blessing
Where's Texas? It's almost time for the countdown, shouldn't she be at Rhodes Island? Hah, to think I don't even get to see her on a day like this. Where are those precious friends of hers? I'm going to find Texas. Wanna come with, Doctor?Greeting
Heh. Ciao, Doctor.Anniversary Celebration
Here, take some whiskey, add a little amaretto, then put it on the rocks. Wanna sip? Hehe. In Siracusa, we call this a 'Luci Spente,' and one sip means you're killing the guy next to you. Texas? She'll never tell you this, but she used to love this drink. Come, salute!