Operator File

Voice Credits
Harry McEntire
马程未 (Chengwei Ma)
美藤大樹 (Taiki Bito)
김윤기 (Kim Yoon-gi)
Appointed as Assistant
Doctor, I'm putting the flowerpots here. The scent from these clears the mind. It'll help you sift through those documents, guaranteed.Talk 1
I used to have to collect plant samples for my employer whenever he barked the order. Give me a scarcely-traveled rainforest and I'll head in happy. Thing is, once our specimens started growing in people's hydroponic pots, and then protected areas, and then test farms... Well, that's where the trouble began.Talk 2
I was in the Convalescent Garden, and I saw the plant almanac Perfumer's compiling. Lots of gaps, no way to fill them in as of yet. See, a good plant hunter fills the blanks with their 'prey.' A great plant hunter not only does that, they also get the author to leave them plenty more new blanks.Talk 3
I've been to Acahualla plenty. The residents there, Tiacauhs, I believe the name is. They're good people. They'll be frank with you, straight with you. It's just, two things I can't stand: one, they force me to go wrestling when they get drunk, and two, they keep judging my tail... is it really that thin, Doctor? My tail?Talk after Promotion 1
This handsaw was custom-made for me by my mother while I was still in school. Never thought I'd be using it again after I got infected. Thanks to that employer of mine, hiring plant hunters. He let me continue doing what I loved... even if he's the same bloke who fired me out of paranoia in the end.Talk after Promotion 2
Doctor, this is the plant that got me fired. No monetary value, so you can imagine... I told my boss I forsook my assigned target for this bit of shrubbery, and he thinks I'm having him on somehow... But listen. I discovered this 'un. I gave it its name. And nothing could matter more than that.Talk after Trust Increase 1
To make a 'scarecrow,' you need a whole lot more than just straw. You also need a variety of tough, poisonous, and insect-eating plants, Originium Arts, as well as my dad's techniques to sew everything together... Tch, leaked my trade secrets again. Doctor, remember not to tell anyone.Talk after Trust Increase 2
You're right, I am in fact used to keeping a cold, stoic persona in front of strangers. After all, your average plant hunter doesn't usually get into interpersonal conflict with a standing army. It's more often absent-minded guards with fixed salaries. Overpowering your opposition by putting on airs can actually ensure your safety, funny enough.Talk after Trust Increase 3
Doctor, this is my very first time making a 'Scarecrow' for someone else. What d'you think? Uncanny resemblance, right? If danger's ever afoot, this can help—oi, slow down, don't touch those vines, else they'll—Hrm. It'll let go of your arm naturally after a short while. Trust me.Idle
You were just trying to chat with me and I wasn't responding? Ooh, um, see, I was DEFINITELY, NOT using a 'Scarecrow', tooooo skive off work. Honest.Onboard
I need a job, and being a pharmaceutical company, surely Rhodes Island won't turn down an experienced plant hunter. And the plant hunter in question is none other than... Y'what? I just need to sign here, that's it? No fibs?Watching Battle Record
Hang on! I think I saw a very rare shrub. Might even be a new species! Where was this video taken?Promotion 1
There's a beautiful medal... but the design's a bit dull. You considered adding some plant motifs to it?Promotion 2
Never mind contending with people. I prefer exploring the wilderness, delving into the rainforest, living among the plants... Want to come along with me next time, Doctor?Added to Squad
Can we settle disputes some other way that's not direct conflict?Appointed as Squad Leader
All I can assure you is everyone returns safe. I cannot guarantee victory like the others can. Are you SURE you want me as squad leader?Depart
If this conflict truly is necessary, I suppose there's no way around it.Begin Operation
Good bit of bravery in you to stand as my enemy.Selecting Operator 1
Chop-chop with the orders. I'll make 'em regret showing their faces.Selecting Operator 2
Chop-chop with the orders? I can see them coming...Deployment 1
Dead branches and rotten leaves! I'll sweep up in no time, just you watch.Deployment 2
Bunch of ten-a-penny weeds. Nothing I'm interested in.In Battle 1
The harder on the outside, the softer on the inside.In Battle 2
Plant looks risky, who can tell. Plant looks safe, you're in for hell.In Battle 3
Never assume the simple days will last.In Battle 4
...Uh-oh. Time I dropped a 'Scarecrow'!4-star Result
I never thought I'd be getting the best of that vicious an enemy... At this rate, you think we could be off somewhere more dangerous for sample-collecting?3-star Result
There we go, enemies dealt with, now we can show ourselves the door and leave.Sub 3-star Result
A few of 'em got away... They're not coming back, are they?Operation Failure
Stay alive, Doctor. You won't have a future to count on otherwise.Assigned to Facility
If I want to help improve Rhodes Island's plant diversity, where do I apply?Tap
If you can't tell the difference between me and a 'Scarecrow,' I think the vines might've poisoned you.Trust Tap
Hmm... Where should I go to collect samples next time?Title
Arknights.New Year's blessing
As you can see, I'm giving a Scarecrow a new change of clothes. Back in my quiet little hometown, families would all give their scarecrows a fresh bit of kit at the start of each year... Not sure what the cultural significance of that was, but the most important thing is, don't let the fowlbeasts get too used to seeing the same getup. Fowls, they're smart little buggers.Greeting
Good morning, Doctor. I watered the flowers in your office for you.Anniversary Celebration
When I observe plants in the wild, sometimes I'll think, what if the ones that live for hundreds or thousands of years sense the passage of time too? How long would their experience of one year be...? Whatever it is, I'm sure it's not like mine. It always feels like each year passes by in a flash.