Operator File

Voice Credits
Polly Eachus
苗洋 (Mia Miao)
原優子 (Yuko Hara)
이새벽 (Lee Sae-byeok)
Appointed as Assistant
If you got enemies about, just scream. I'll keep ya safe.Talk 1
Where's that kid gone off to? Y'know, her... the really tanned shorty who's always trailing our Master... 'Morgan' is her nam- Oi! Stop right there!Talk 2
You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours, we keep it real that way, yeah? You treat me with respect, I'll do the same for you.Talk 3
Seems our Majesty's really into your place. Don't see that every day, seeing as we're never anywhere same for long.Talk after Promotion 1
Work or what have ya, you've gotta have guts!Talk after Promotion 2
Whoa, whoa, chew before you swallow, mate! HEY! SOMEONE BRING US MORE MEAT! This girl's got an empty belly to fill!Talk after Trust Increase 1
Bleeding Morgan... she might seem like a layabout mostly, but she's our tactician when push comes to shove. Gets the job done. Gets on my nerves otherwise, though, and she loves it. Tch...Talk after Trust Increase 2
Doesn't she look brilliant, like a liege with a hammer in hand? I'm even more keen to see the look of her holding a sword, though.Talk after Trust Increase 3
Out with it! Don't beat around the bush, just say it: who do you want dealt with?Idle
Tch. look at you spacing out like an idiot... Your own bloody fault if a tiger bites you.Onboard
I'm Indra. I don't have any of those weird crazy powers -- I let my fists do the talking. Nice to meet ya!Watching Battle Record
Niiice, this is good stuff.Promotion 1
Promotions are great, almost as great as fighting is!Promotion 2
Don't be afraid. I'll protect ya.Added to Squad
Where's the battlefield?Appointed as Squad Leader
So, who's in the market for a walloping?Depart
Mind your own sodding business and let me be!Begin Operation
Come on! Show me what you've got!Selecting Operator 1
Oi!Selecting Operator 2
Get on with it, plod!Deployment 1
Haha!Deployment 2
All right, it's my turn!In Battle 1
You bastard!In Battle 2
Nothing can stop me!In Battle 3
You're dead meat!In Battle 4
Give it up!4-star Result
That's the stuff! That's what I call a kick!3-star Result
You don't go home happy without some bloodshed!Sub 3-star Result
Tch, we've got some who fled. Bunch of cowards.Operation Failure
Not bad... But I'll get you back for this!Assigned to Facility
What's this room about? More of a squeeze than anywhere I've been.Tap
Oi! You got a bleedin' death wish?Trust Tap
C'mere, lemme get my arms around you! Yes, I mean hug you!Title
Arknights.New Year's blessing
Ooh! Gotcher end-of-year bonus? Haha, I must be due for one too, scrapping so much on your behalf! You and me, we're fellows now, no two ways about it! Get up, I'm taking you out for food!Greeting
What's up, Doctor!Anniversary Celebration
Vina trusts Rhodes Island. That's why I take orders from you, no hesitation. But you listen here, Doctor. You need to feel the weight of that trust. Else I'll make you feel it, even if I need my fists to do it—and I don't mean wanting to scrap with you. But you just keep what I've said in mind.