Operator File

Voice Credits
Maya Lindh
秦紫翼 (Ziyi Qin)
富樫美鈴 (Misuzu Togashi)
김채린 (Kim Chae-rin)
Appointed as Assistant
Pages of truth torn and lost, blood of friends spilt and chilled... Will you stop that ever-writing hand, if such scene is in you eyes...? I see. I shall assist you in your undertaking.Talk 1
Oh... It's dark outside. My apologies, I must have misled you. Rather than having fallen into slumber, I was merely too immersed in reading. You need not wait by my side in such silence. Could you find your own light? Allow me to illuminate it for you.Talk 2
We and the Sami are alike? No, we merely hide among them. Our foresight and the Sami's divination are two pathways to the future, and neither side has fully accepted the other... Worry not, Doctor. The reproach I have suffered is not important. I humbly urge you to facilitate the cooperation between us all.Talk 3
You seem worried that I'll have a difficult time adapting here. But in my eyes, this metal cave is not at all dissimilar to our dwelling. You perceive the flow of fate via the shadows projected on the cave wall, while we have gazed into labyrinthine darkness since our birth. That is the only difference.Talk after Promotion 1
Yes, I am gazing at the Sarkaz tracks beneath your feet, but please do not let this bother you. I shall not be prying into your affairs, for the Cyclopes have long turned their attention away from Kazdel. My cooperation with Rhodes Island looks to the threat from the north, and this is my position within your fate.Talk after Promotion 2
Is your interest really piqued by this note? You may read it, by all means. But it cannot foretell one's fate. The shapes that prophecies take are not set in stone, therefore keeping records is forbidden to us. In spite of this, I have written these words and fragments. Please view these as... lies that I must make, no matter the means.Talk after Trust Increase 1
No, no... Please, do not say that... Typhon's life is unrelated to any prophecies. I saved her in the heat of the moment. She is unaware of the cause, nor is she curious about her fate. And it is my wish to never lay eyes on her future.Talk after Trust Increase 2
The wind pays no heed to where each snowflake falls, as it is plenty accustomed to the sight of melting snow. On the icefileds, it sees the ravines sculped by fate... I ask you to understand us in that way. However... As I gaze at you here, I cannot help but feel a hint of sadness.Talk after Trust Increase 3
This is all my own choices. I would do whatever it takes to fulfill the prophecy that must be fulfilled, no matter the cost. When the day comes, you may loathe me. And so, allow me to offer you my apologies in advance. Would you perhaps think that... Sorry, please, pay me no heed.Idle
It is still snowing.Onboard
You look the same as I saw you before... Sorry, please pay me no mind. I am a Cyclops from the caverns of the Sami mountains. With the impending darkness in my sight, I seek your cooperation. Please, call me Valarqvin.Watching Battle Record
No matter how much you gaze into the past, there are no more possibilities to be seen there.Promotion 1
My mission will never change, no matter the time. Even so, you would go through the effort to prepare a promotion ceremony for me? You have my thanks.Promotion 2
A dark fate looms over the lands in silence, only for the occasional flash of lightning to tear it briefly asunder. It is in those moments when the foresighted see. Likewise, it is in those moments that warriors seek to wager their lives.Added to Squad
As foretold.Appointed as Squad Leader
This ray of light may be dim, but I ask all of you to follow it.Depart
Avoid becoming engulfed in snow, as were the fates of many.Begin Operation
I have no intention of setting my eyes on you.Selecting Operator 1
Please accept my advice.Selecting Operator 2
I am here.Deployment 1
Please deliver my visions to the masses.Deployment 2
I have received enlightenment.In Battle 1
May the lightning tear chaos apart.In Battle 2
May the blizzard cleanse life and death.In Battle 3
May the mountains prolong our fates.In Battle 4
'We gaze, from the beginning to the end.'4-star Result
Fate is always heartless.3-star Result
With your axe and wit, you have left your mark on the icefield. Now, we can continue our journey forward.Sub 3-star Result
Are you still concerned? Fate will bring back to you the enemies who escaped.Operation Failure
Please... do not stand before me... No, just allow me to take a moment of rest by myself.Assigned to Facility
I thank you for arranging for me a place of respite. Alas, I am afraid I cannot make use of it often.Tap
Oh... That's awfully childish of you.Trust Tap
This place… is quiet.Title
Arknights.New Year's blessing
The passage of time is vague in our eyes. To us, the most distinct thing might perhaps be the length of time between each droplet of water dripping in the caves. You think I am not one to celebrate holidays? You are mistaken. Like ice-cold frost water, these moments keep me clear-headed and rouse me from our dream.Greeting
May you advance without hesitation, Doctor.Anniversary Celebration
A prophecy about Rhodes Island? My cooperation with you has lasted for some time now, and my answer to your question remains the same as the reason I sought your cooperation in the first place: We see doom often, but we also see what follows in the wake of such doom.