Operator File

Voice Credits
Jessica Preddy
杨梦露 (Menglu Yang)
田所あずさ (Azusa Tadokoro)
김채하 (Kim Chae-ha)
Ilaria Silvestri
Appointed as Assistant
My next mission is to protect you, Doctor.Talk 1
I don't say much? That's because I'd rather avoid thinking about most things.Talk 2
Our job is to deliver life and death.Talk 3
I usually listen to Sora's songs when I'm driving.Talk after Promotion 1
Cigarette? Oh, no, this is chocolate. You've gotta replenish your energy regularly. Which reminds me... do you want some coffee?Talk after Promotion 2
How long have I worked for Penguin Logistics? When did I start...? I don't even know how long it's been.Talk after Trust Increase 1
Watch out for the Red Wolf. She's not evil, but... she's not like us.Talk after Trust Increase 2
No matter how hard I run, my past will catch up to me one day.Talk after Trust Increase 3
My independent lifestyle and rowdy friends have brought me a lot of trouble... but I kind of like it this way.Idle
Is it time for a break?Onboard
Code name Texas. I'm responsible for driving, moving cargo, and keeping our people safe. Try to get the mission briefings as concise as possible, please.Watching Battle Record
Thanks.Promotion 1
This will work as payment.Promotion 2
Thanks for trusting me, Doctor.Added to Squad
What do you need?Appointed as Squad Leader
I'm not good at barking orders.Depart
Let's go.Begin Operation
Exusiai, cover me.Selecting Operator 1
Awaiting orders.Selecting Operator 2
Got it.Deployment 1
Draw swords!Deployment 2
Let's begin.In Battle 1
Hah!In Battle 2
You can't stop me.In Battle 3
Cut them to pieces!In Battle 4
Shut up.4-star Result
Whew... No problem.3-star Result
Weaklings.Sub 3-star Result
A few of them got through.Operation Failure
I may have underestimated this operation.Assigned to Facility
Do you need any supplies? Just let me know.Tap
Oh...!Trust Tap
What is it, Doctor?Title
Arknights.New Year's blessing
Happy New Year. I was just about to give these to Exusiai. She said she'd be hosting a big party tonight, to celebrate her results not being rock bottom. The other girls? Croissant was hauling a huge batch of goods she got in earlier, so I figure she's got a stall laid out now. As for Sora... have you heard her new single, Doctor? I'm pretty into it.Greeting
Morning.Anniversary Celebration
I like how Rhodes Island does its anniversaries. Here's a couple wine truffles I just picked up, rum and bitter almond flavor. Tastes pretty good. Why don't you give them a try?