Operator File

Voice Credits
Hyoie O'Grady
赵洋 (Kyle)
阿部敦 (Atsushi Abe)
김지율 (Kim Ji-yul)
Appointed as Assistant
Work's kinda like a trap, and you just fling yourself into it.Talk 1
I don't talk much 'cause I don't want to. Not 'cause I'm looking down on anyone.Talk 2
What did Midnight do this time? Did he finally end up in Medical after hitting on one too many ladies in the hallway? No? Too bad.Talk 3
Got something, Doctor? I could probably lend a hand. But I'd rather not eat up too much of my time. I got a lot of comics to read.Talk after Promotion 1
I know I speak a little too bluntly sometimes, but I always get my work done. It's not like I got professional pride or anything, I just can't respect somebody who doesn't finish his work.Talk after Trust Increase 1
Rhodes Island is a strange place. The people here just say whatever they're thinking, and somebody's always there to help when someone needs it.Talk after Trust Increase 2
Reserve Op Team A6 is a real diverse crowd. We have Lady Stinky-face, Miss Lacking-self-confrol, Narcissist Kun, and a little walking time bomb. But still, I do think I can trust them. They work hard, even if they don't show it.Talk after Trust Increase 3
I used to live free and easy like everyone else at Rhodes Island, but my family thought I was a freak. This place may be a freakshow, but at least everyone's happy, and that's pretty good.Idle
Can I go back to my room now?Onboard
Hi, I'm Spot from Operation Reserve Team A6. My job is to protect the other troublemakers on my team, I guess.Watching Battle Record
I've seen this battle before. Bad guys got their asses kicked.Promotion 1
I'm gonna work twice as hard. I'll bump it up from a 0.1 to a 0.2, I think.Added to Squad
I won't ask about the meaning of this mission then.Appointed as Squad Leader
I wanna get back to my dorm.Depart
Got it.Begin Operation
Save us a lot of time if you just surrender.Selecting Operator 1
Whatever you say.Selecting Operator 2
Doesn't matter to me.Deployment 1
Alright then.Deployment 2
Yeah, yeah, fine.In Battle 1
Hey, catch.In Battle 2
Don't see any harm in this.In Battle 3
So many weaknesses.In Battle 4
Holding this shield is tiring, pal.4-star Result
Been through an easy battle, you say? Then better do it all over again.3-star Result
With hard work, even an idiot can get the job done.Sub 3-star Result
Perfection is for suckers, you know.Operation Failure
Relax, you're doing fine.Assigned to Facility
Yeah sure.Tap
Ah.Trust Tap
If you keep petting me like that, my hair's gonna get tangled.Title
Arknights.New Year's blessing
It's the start of a new year. If you were expecting anything to change on its own with time, then stop dreaming. Really changing yourself takes way more effort than that. If you can manage it, do it.Greeting
Hey Doctor...Anniversary Celebration
Someone like me can't exactly say I fully embrace Rhodes Island's ideals from the bottom of my heart. I only raise my shield to protect the troublemakers of A6, that's all. Doctor, let's try and survive this troublesome land together.