Operator File

Voice Credits
Sarah Wiedenheft
瞿子兰 (Zilan Qu)
悠木碧 (Aoi Yuki)
채민지 (Chae Min-ji)
Appointed as Assistant
Doctor, I've finished sorting the Originium from the other ores, as you requested. Is there anything else?Talk 1
Oripathy is indeed troublesome. I can't even go on operations without approval from Dr. Kal'tsit. Oripathy shortens one's lifespan, you say? Yes, that's true, but I don't really mind.Talk 2
This tuning fork? It's actually a staff — not only a weapon but also useful for geological surveys. I find it always comes in handy.Talk 3
Without Rhodes Island, I'd probably still be a full-time geological researcher. And without you people... I'd probably already be dead.Talk after Promotion 1
What? I have dark circles under my eyes? Aw, I knew it…Talk after Promotion 2
What's that behind me, you ask? Well... ah, never mind, it's really hard to explain. I'll tell you when we have more time.Talk after Trust Increase 1
Some rocks talk to me, you know. They chatter and even squabble away. Sometimes, I lose sleep because of it… You think I'm kidding? Do I look like I'm kidding?Talk after Trust Increase 2
Provence is as careless as always. She needs to be careful or she'll end up like me, seriously ill. You'd better give her a good talking-to.Talk after Trust Increase 3
Astonishing...! Look at this, Doctor! This surface... it couldn't have been formed without high pressure in the crust three hundred and fifty thousand years ago. Isn't it incredible…? Guess what, Doctor? The theory is correct! Those who refuted it are the true fools!Idle
Doctor—oh, you're sleeping? You must be tired from all your hard work.Onboard
I'm Earthspirit, a geology scholar and Caster, reporting in. I work eight hours each day. Make me work any more and you'll have to pay me extra.Watching Battle Record
Hm, is this academic data, or something else?Promotion 1
We must continue to refine our scientific method.Promotion 2
Forgive my bluntness, but do bear in mind you are paying me only a single salary. No matter how far you promote me, I won't do more than a single person's work.Added to Squad
Understood.Appointed as Squad Leader
I hope this squad performs well in all types of extreme environment.Depart
Don't worry, we'll be right back.Begin Operation
We can't let them misuse Originium like this.Selecting Operator 1
Here.Selecting Operator 2
What's the battle plan?Deployment 1
I'm ready.Deployment 2
Where are the enemies?In Battle 1
Sink into the earth!In Battle 2
The power of the earth...In Battle 3
This ends here!In Battle 4
You shouldn't have set foot here.4-star Result
What the enemy was doing… would only bring disaster.3-star Result
All enemies have been dealt with.Sub 3-star Result
A fine victory, Doctor.Operation Failure
How is this possible…?Assigned to Facility
This environment is quite suitable for research.Tap
Um...Trust Tap
This piece of ore is… for me? Really? But… it must be very expensive, no?Title
Arknights.New Year's blessing
Take a look at the vast strata under our feet. Do you think they pay attention to the new year? Mhm, so neither do I. It's nothing more than an ordinary day off to me, so any tasks assigned to me will be treated as overtime, including attending any parties.Greeting
Doctor, time to get to work.Anniversary Celebration
There are too many unsolved enigmas in my research, and I only have so much time. Thus, I have to maintain a clear boundary between work and life. So long as each finds its own separate meaning, my time on this land will be worthwhile. I count myself lucky to have found this balance at Rhodes Island.