Operator File

Voice Credits
Anna Yatco
许潇文 (Xiaowen Xu)
植田佳奈 (Kana Ueda)
여윤미 (Yeo Yun-mi)
Appointed as Assistant
The fire alarm's gone off? Sorry, it was only me passing by your office. My body temperature must've sailed too high again.Talk 1
There's no language that's impossible to learn, no Arts that are impossible to understand. Isn't that the plain and simple truth? ...What? I'm the exception to the rule, you say?Talk 2
My life plans...? Tch, everything was going swimmingly until that dreadful attack. But after Reunion murdered Phil, their eradication jumped to the top of my to-do list.Talk 3
Rhodes Island's methods aren't nearly tough enough. All they'll do is drag King's Wand down.Talk after Promotion 1
Can you talk to Amiya for me? Poor girl, her kind heart clouds her judgment. As far as I'm concerned, total annihilation is the only fitting end for the wicked.Talk after Promotion 2
Your current skills wouldn't compare to even the average level of a King's Wand member such as myself. Ha, yes, I'm powerful... and the power of all five of us put together... words wouldn't even begin to describe.Talk after Trust Increase 1
Luminarie's blade was a gift from Shiro. I heard that the owner before Shiro was a swordmaster who could fell all the cherry blossoms of Higashi with a single swing. But even that legendary swordmaster was no match for Shiro, and had to surrender the blade.Talk after Trust Increase 2
What happened to your shirt? What? I burned a hole in it? But... impossible... my self-control is impeccable, don't you think...? I... well, I'm sorry. Really, truly sorry.Talk after Trust Increase 3
We might be on opposite ends of the spectrum when it comes to ideals, but I do enjoy seeing the people of Rhodes Island sweat away with bright hopes for the future. Yes, that is a compliment. It's a heartwarming sight.Idle
How lazy. You think it's fine to just sleep here and while away the precious day?Onboard
I am Skyfire of King's Wand. I will remain at Rhodes Island until my objective is accomplished. What's my objective, you ask? To burn every last Reunion thug to ashes, of course.Watching Battle Record
This is no way to go about unleashing my true power.Promotion 1
Naturally.Promotion 2
Ha. Enjoying the privileges I deserve from time to time is a good way to relax.Added to Squad
This battlefield needs some heating up.Appointed as Squad Leader
The rays of the sun are my shield.Depart
Now's the time to attack.Begin Operation
Kneel before the flame of the heavens.Selecting Operator 1
Out with it.Selecting Operator 2
What are your plans?Deployment 1
Bad luck is always in waiting for the weak.Deployment 2
The wise alway take the initiative.In Battle 1
Here we go!In Battle 2
Fire! Blaze! Inferno!In Battle 3
May the flames of the sun devour you!In Battle 4
May the rays of the skies set you ablaze!4-star Result
There isn't a soul who may survive the sunflame.3-star Result
Pathetic... you're nothing but ashes now. Were you hoping to leave a trace behind?Sub 3-star Result
Is that it? I had higher expectations.Operation Failure
Impossible... how could I...Assigned to Facility
Couldn't you ready a slightly cooler room for me?Tap
Are you trying to get your hand burnt?Trust Tap
Doctor, could you explain this theory to me? I'll need twelve minutes of your time, that's all.Title
Arknights.New Year's blessing
Hmph, they won't let me near the fireworks. They say I could lose control and blow them all to kingdom come. They even set Logistics operators to guard the things. Why, I never—Eek! Get a fire extinguisher! …Anger causing a rise in body temperature is a perfectly normal physiological phenomenon. I—I'll steer clear of them!Greeting
How are you doing today, Doctor?Anniversary Celebration
I find I do think rather simply about some things. Pure power won't actually achieve everything I set for myself. It may hold the other side off for a while, but it doesn't get to the root of the issue. I must press on, Rhodes Island, I have much more yet to learn here.