Operator File

Voice Credits
绿绮 (Ruth)
小林沙苗 (Sanae Kobayashi)
소연 (So Yeon)
Appointed as Assistant
I shall come! Doctor, so long as I am here, thou mayst be at ease in thy work!Talk 1
I grew from childhood in the monastery. Though I could recite the texts from heart, I never fully understood their inner meanings, and my old head priest and the other great masters gave explanations from which I could comprehend even less. Doctor, thou art of learned stature. Mayst thou be able to teach me?Talk 2
Rhodes Island truly lacks none for novel machinery... hm? Doctor, underestimate me not. I may begin clueless, but I am no contrarian to the times. If I do not know how, then I need only learn. My personal music player even holds some songs of the good Miss Sora within it.Talk 3
So as to evade Catastrophe, I once accompanied my old head priest and fellow monastery apprentices over mountain and valley. My head priest spoke that Catastrophes were the wrath of the gods. Yet, I have never witnessed one by my own eyes. I am somewhat curious.Talk after Promotion 1
I am not a true monk, merely raised by the monastery. At my departure, Saga was the name my old head priest gave to me. Its meaning is of high mountains and rugged roads. And only when I left the monastery, did I come to know how the world was no straightforward thing.Talk after Promotion 2
I swallow hardship, and fear not fatigue, yet there is still one thing I cannot assent to. My master spoke that all living beings are equal. The Infected are people all the same, people only fallen ill. Why can they not be permitted to live?Talk after Trust Increase 1
Ho-ho. I may have only erred upon a Rhodes Island recruitment spot at first, but whether the food or the beds, it is all of great quality, and the pay pales not. I truly have stumbled upon a wonderful place.Talk after Trust Increase 2
When I left the monastery, I had thought that entering society would involve no more than dealing with pests, ridding some despots. I had never dreamt it would be so treacherous as this. There are times I do not even know what I draw my blade for. Doctor... I do not understand.Talk after Trust Increase 3
I still puzzle over much in my heart, but I have understood at least that some answers I must seek myself, and some thoughts I must think through myself. Doctor, until I have sorted it all out, I wish to continue my training by thine side. Pray, allow me this!Idle
Doctor... ho, thou art quite skillful to fall asleep sitting. In that case, I shall meditate for a while.Onboard
Thou art the Doctor? Hail and well... ah, ought not I be more serious at times like these? Ahem—my name is Saga. I am a wandering monk. Should there be any place thou mayst need me, refrain not in sending me!Watching Battle Record
Ho-ho. To think such strategy does exist in the world. My horizons have broadened.Promotion 1
A raise? Splendid! I have been watering at the mouth to try the deluxe set at the cafeteria for quite some time, yet have been embarrassingly out of pocket... today, I am finally able to feast!Promotion 2
Dear head priest. In my heart yet is wild disarray. The ways of this world I still cannot see through, nor cut down. Though I am fortunate to have met with great people, and with their guidance, there will come a day in our turbulent mortal world where I cut through to the heavens!Added to Squad
I shall come!Appointed as Squad Leader
Am I the captain? Not a problem!Depart
I shall go!Begin Operation
My blade cuts only evil!Selecting Operator 1
Takuan-zuke... hah! I am right here!Selecting Operator 2
Leave this to me!Deployment 1
I am here!Deployment 2
Who dares be rash!In Battle 1
Sever all desires!In Battle 2
Cleanse the six senses!In Battle 3
Natto gohan!In Battle 4
Aburaage!4-star Result
'Twas truly an arduous trial. I have gained greatly for it.3-star Result
As expected of the Doctor! Alone, I would surely have let quite a few through.Sub 3-star Result
My head priest spoke that one must have a merciful heart, and I believe that this suffices, more or less.Operation Failure
Doctor, go quickly! Leave the rear to me!Assigned to Facility
What is this scent?!Tap
What-ho?!Trust Tap
Call, and I shall surely come running.Title
Arknights.New Year's blessing
Doctor, hast thou eaten? An unfilled stomach will surely leave thee powerless at work.Anniversary Celebration