Rhodes Island Tetralingual Voice Record Archive

Operator File


Voice Credits

Claire Morgan
张琦 (Kiiki)
三浦千幸 (Chiyuki Miura)
이새벽 (Lee Sae-byeok)
  1. Appointed as Assistant

    Doc~tor~, you didn't forget anything, did you?
  2. Talk 1

    Picking pockets to feed myself? Yeah, that was how I grew up. I didn't exactly have a choice. I woulda starved to death otherwise.
  3. Talk 2

    If you want sturdy grappling hooks, the key thing's a good rope. Hm? Why do I like my hook so much? Well, go scale a building with your bare hands and you'll see.
  4. Talk 3

    Fine, fine, your word's the word, Doctor. Can I go back to my room now? I've got stuff coming up. What? Still no? C'mooon, cut me some slack! Pleasie please?
  5. Talk after Promotion 1

    If it wasn't you Rhodes Island, I'd probably still be rotting in jail. Say, how'd you find me anyway? Hmm… Maybe you heard about my skill through the grapevine?
  6. Talk after Promotion 2

    There's lots of ways if you wanna survive in the slums, though more people simply die without a way at all. Never had much of a choice myself. Hope you can understand, Doctor.
  7. Talk after Trust Increase 1

    My parents kicked me out, and I had to fend for myself on the streets. Compared to my days in the gutter, life at Rhodes Island is a massive improvement.
  8. Talk after Trust Increase 2

    Saw a lot of people get same disease as mine who didn't end well. I kinda gave up on myself too, until I got lucky enough to be found by you guys… Tell me straight, Doctor. You can cure me, right? can't? *Sigh*, I can live with that, I guess.
  9. Talk after Trust Increase 3

    Before, I was always looking for the next meal. Now I can really eat my fill. Gotta hand it to you, Rhodes Island's alright in my book. Huh? You wanna hear me say 'thank you'? Nah-ah, in, your, dreams. *Gasp*, I just said it...
  10. Idle

    Ugh, this chair... ahhh….dangit... so comfy...!
  11. Onboard

    The name's Rope, nice to meet ya. Oh, here's your ID card, don't forget it. Huh? Why do I have it? That's a se-cret!
  12. Watching Battle Record

    Does watching this stuff actually help?
  13. Promotion 1

    C'mon, lets talk about payment. Promotions are cool, but my salary is what really matters.
  14. Promotion 2

    Fine, fine. Now that I've got my due, I guess I should give my best.
  15. Added to Squad

    All right, coming!
  16. Appointed as Squad Leader

    I'm doing captain biz? I would've asked for a bonus usually, but I can let this slide since it's you.
  17. Depart

    Look at the map and figure out your route before we get in there. This is experience talking.
  18. Begin Operation

    So, what kind of good stuff will our enemies be carrying today?
  19. Selecting Operator 1

    I don't really do straight-up fights.
  20. Selecting Operator 2

    Put me to good use, ooo-kaaay?
  21. Deployment 1

    Sneaky sneaky…
  22. Deployment 2

    Hmm, is this a good spot?
  23. In Battle 1

  24. In Battle 2

    Good, good, a little closer!
  25. In Battle 3

  26. In Battle 4

    Once I hook you, you're not getting away.
  27. 4-star Result

    A lot more excitement on that one than usual! A lot more profit too... whoo-hoo~!
  28. 3-star Result

    It'd be a waste to leave all that good stuff here. The enemies don't need them anyway, right?
  29. Sub 3-star Result

    Some of 'em got away? Just leave them be. They might turn over a new leaf, who knows.
  30. Operation Failure

    Hey! Let's just bug out now, Doctor! We must save ourselves first!
  31. Assigned to Facility

    Is there an air vent in this room? Nothing, just curious.
  32. Tap

    Aaaagh! Am I under arrest?!
  33. Trust Tap

    I mean, I'd like to figure out how a normal girl lives sometime... but, you know... I mean, maybe that's not really me?
  34. Title

  35. New Year's blessing

    Piping hot food, big wide smiles, piles and piles of presents... It's the kind of scene I would only be able to steal glances at through windows. Thank you, Doctor... Aw, c'mon, I was being serious there! Anyway... happy New Year.
  36. Greeting

    Hiiii, Doctor.
  37. Anniversary Celebration

    Yeah, yeah, I know. I've been at Rhodes Island so long, I oughta get used to my new life already. I'm gonna stop crawling through the vents, and I'm really gonna cut down on stealing stuff as a prank... Doctor, do you think, that after so many field missions—I've learned to use my skills for the better?