Operator File

Voice Credits
邵敏佳 (Icy)
小野涼子 (Ryoko Ono)
김하영 (Kim Ha-young)
Appointed as Assistant
Doctor, anything I should help with?Talk 1
Doctor, you're always so busy with work. Don't you have any hobbies? Me, I like watching obscure old movies.Talk 2
Truth is, I learned how to fight because of this movie I saw when I was little. Main character fought with knives and homemade traps. I thought it was really cool, so I started learning myself. My knives here, they're actually the same kind as the ones in that movie.Talk 3
In Columbia, anything can be bought with money. It sounds great, until you turn it around: Without money, nothing's yours at all.Talk after Promotion 1
Rhodes Island feels like a company out of a movie. Medical corp on the outside, actually a private army underneath. Operating to save more and more people… feels pretty cool.Talk after Promotion 2
Doctor, do you think I come off gloomy? Dammit… I didn't used to be like this. It was ever since my pop got the way he did, and I had to start worrying about keeping the family afloat. Hmm…Talk after Trust Increase 1
I don't hate Anthony. If we have to talk about the past, I think my pop's to blame too. And honestly, I thank Anthony. If he wasn't in the right place at the right time, I might've done something... I could never take back.Talk after Trust Increase 2
Pop never understood. Mom didn't leave because we had no money. It was 'cause his temper got worse every day. I've thought about if I went with Mom instead, but Pop used to be... so nice to me.Talk after Trust Increase 3
Doctor, there's times I'm with you and I ease up so much I forget my own issues. I have the money to treat my pop's illness now, but I don't have a cure for his emotional troubles… Doctor, could you help me?Idle
So you get tired and drop right where you are, just like me…Onboard
Nice to meet you, Doctor. I'm a new Operator. Robin's the name. I've got money troubles, so if it's all the same to you, just send me to do whatever.Watching Battle Record
Intense. Feels just like I'm watching an action movie...Promotion 1
What? I got a raise so quick...? That's great. Thank you, Doctor!Promotion 2
I never stuck with my old jobs for very long. The company itself had problems, or it was something with my pop... This time, it feels like I'll be able to stick with Rhodes Island for a long time.Added to Squad
Leave it to me.Appointed as Squad Leader
I'm not too good at teamwork…Depart
Wonder what kind of place we're going to this time.Begin Operation
Let's take a look around first…Selecting Operator 1
Am I up?Selecting Operator 2
Ready. Just say the word.Deployment 1
I see the enemy.Deployment 2
Mm.In Battle 1
I've got a temper too!In Battle 2
Hmph.In Battle 3
Where are you looking?In Battle 4
I've got more than just knives!4-star Result
Doctor, can we cut this sort of mission down a little? Bad for the heart…3-star Result
I bet everybody dreams of having a boss like you, Doctor.Sub 3-star Result
Doctor, need me to chase them?Operation Failure
Doctor, you go! I'll cover you!Assigned to Facility
I better get to know this place…Tap
Um?Trust Tap
Doctor. Taking a walk?Title
Arknights.New Year's blessing
'The happiest thing about today is we say goodbye to the past; the hardest thing about today is we say goodbye to the memories.' It's, uh, a line from a movie... Umm, Happy New Year, Doctor.Greeting
Doctor. Need me to guard you today?Anniversary Celebration
My pop's sickness eased up a little. I'm thankful—really, truly, I am... I gotta be honest though, I know with my abilities I don't deserve this contract. The most I can do is repay Rhodes Island for helping us, however I can. Just, I can start by protecting you, Doctor. That's experience I've got under my belt, as a bodyguard.