Operator File

Voice Credits
Julie Tamiko Manning
Appointed as Assistant
Here's the schedule. You'll also need to review the weekly reports, expense records, and meeting agendas. Which do you want to do first?Talk 1
We'll overcome any obstacle as long as we work together.Talk 2
Excuse me, sir, but do you mind if I tidy up the bookshelf?Talk 3
Sometimes humans behave exactly like wild animals. Understanding this makes me a more efficient operator.Talk after Promotion 1
To see the really interesting things, you have to get out of the city. That's why I'm always so far away.Talk after Promotion 2
Putting out the Welcome Mat is the first step. Luring the prey takes a bit more doing.Talk after Trust Increase 1
No, no. This is all wrong. Let me reconsider for a bit.Talk after Trust Increase 2
Is there anything I can help with?Talk after Trust Increase 3
Who's the hunter? Who's the hunted? That's up to Mother Nature and the battlefield in question.Idle
Simply pull this string and there's the Welcome Mat...Onboard
RAINBOW Operator, codename Frost. At your service, sir.Watching Battle Record
I've got a good idea.Promotion 1
Thank you for your trust, sir.Promotion 2
There are two things we absolutely need in a survival situation: water and hope.Added to Squad
Let's work together.Appointed as Squad Leader
Don't forget, we're a team and we have a plan.Depart
Time for all the planning to pay off.Begin Operation
I've got eyes on the hostiles.Selecting Operator 1
We're ready for company.Selecting Operator 2
Setting barricade.Deployment 1
Don't let them get the drop on you.Deployment 2
Stay alert.In Battle 1
Laying out the Welcome Mat.In Battle 2
Setting up.In Battle 3
Welcome Mat set.In Battle 4
Deployed.4-star Result
Stay two steps ahead of the enemy at all times.3-star Result
Always think ahead.Sub 3-star Result
Maintain a perimeter.Operation Failure
Administering aid. Friendly injured.Assigned to Facility
This isn't so bad.Tap
Hey! Be careful!Trust Tap
Come along, join our hunt.Title
Arknights.New Year's blessing
Need a cook?Greeting
Would you like a bonfire?