Operator File

Voice Credits
Alex Ivanovici
Appointed as Assistant
Here are the files, and this is your coffee. No need to thank me.Talk 1
Yes…? Oh! Sorry Doctor, I thought an operator was calling out to me.Talk 2
If you can hold a scalpel, you can hold a gun. Never doubt the steadiness of a surgeon's hand.Talk 3
Neither sickness nor the enemy can take from me what I want to protect.Talk after Promotion 1
When you have walked with death, you learn to appreciate life.Talk after Promotion 2
I've learned from experience that the place to save lives is in the field, not an office. And sometimes, the only way to save a life is to take one.Talk after Trust Increase 1
My job is to keep you alive. Make it as hard as you like.Talk after Trust Increase 2
Not a fan of your worried face. What's the matter?Talk after Trust Increase 3
Doctor. I'm so glad we found you.Idle
When was the last time you took a break? You need to stop working.Onboard
Code name Doc, Team Rainbow. I'll protect you.Watching Battle Record
This will make things easier.Promotion 1
If we must, we must.Promotion 2
Thank you, I'd been hoping to get authorization to access confidential files on Oripathy.Added to Squad
Call if you need a hand.Appointed as Squad Leader
Let's be safe out there.Depart
At least we are well prepared.Begin Operation
There are still active targets in the area.Selecting Operator 1
Ready to go.Selecting Operator 2
I've got your backs.Deployment 1
Get going quickly.Deployment 2
Try not to get yourselves hurt.In Battle 1
Located target.In Battle 2
Target acquired.In Battle 3
Stick close to me.In Battle 4
Reloading!4-star Result
Are you alright? Any difficulty breathing?3-star Result
We're almost at the extraction point. Then, we can rest.Sub 3-star Result
Let's get you back on your feet, shall we?Operation Failure
We're wasting time.Assigned to Facility
Always a pleasure.Tap
Careful, I'm carrying a bunch of bric-a-bracs.Trust Tap
Nothing abnormal. If we get a situation, I'll let you know.Title
Arknights.New Year's blessing
This is a day to spend with your family and friends, no matter how busy you are.Greeting
BonjourAnniversary Celebration
I want to do more for the patients of Rhodes Island.