Operator File

Voice Credits
Ashleigh Haddad
辛悦 (Yue Xin)
園崎未恵 (Mie Sonozaki)
송하림 (Song Ha-rim)
周童 (Atom)
Appointed as Assistant
So... I have to just stand here and not do anything? Laaaame.Talk 1
These gauntlets aren't that heavy. See? Even a dainty little girl like me can carry 'em around real easy.Talk 2
You remember fighting by my side before? Can't say I remember fighting by yours, sorry... I just fight for what's right, that's all.Talk 3
Hah. That boxer, Beehunter? She's really something! I enjoyed sparring with her so much, I had to throw out some serious moves. And she's got an amazing honey collection too. Wanna visit her with me next time? You gotta learn some kung fu first, though.Talk after Promotion 1
Reading a movie magazine...? Well, guess what? The 'hot kung-fu actress' mentioned in this article is ME! What? You don't believe me? Come on, look! This is me, can't you tell? C'mon, that's definitely me!Talk after Promotion 2
Do I regret forgoing my previous life? Well, sometimes, of course. But the world ain't kind to us Infected. Lots of places I'm not allowed to go. It blows.Talk after Trust Increase 1
There's a street full of food stalls in the neighboring city. And... a candy shop over there? And a theme park? Aww, Doctor, can I get a day off? I wanna check out these places!Talk after Trust Increase 2
Am I satisfied with life at Rhodes Island, you ask? Hm, to be honest... It's even sweeter than what they show in the movies! I got cool opponents to practice with, top-notch food, and by working here, I'm doing something good for the world! What could be better!Talk after Trust Increase 3
Doctor, look! What do you think about this script? Oh, who's gonna act in it, you wonder? You and I are gonna be the main characters! There's this scene where we leap from the roof of a thirty-story building and slide all the way down. Isn't that cool? Hey! Come back! Wait!Idle
You're catching some z's, eh? Guess I'll slack off for a bit too. Man, this couch is so fluffy!Onboard
You swear you've seen my face before? Probably saw it in a movie I was in! Call me FEater, and what I do from here is your call!Watching Battle Record
It's over? Come on, let's watch just a while longer. We're almost at the fun part!Promotion 1
Oooh! A promotion! Thanks so much, Doctor!Promotion 2
This here's the perfect opportunity to show you some REAL kung fu!Added to Squad
All right, it's show time!Appointed as Squad Leader
Huh? I'm the leader? Not sure how it'll go, but...Depart
This is gonna be exciting!Begin Operation
I'm FEater. Pleased to beat you!Selecting Operator 1
Un-huh.Selecting Operator 2
Here we go!Deployment 1
All right!Deployment 2
Show time!In Battle 1
HI-YAH!In Battle 2
This is straight out of one of my movies!In Battle 3
From flexibility comes power!In Battle 4
Who says a movie star couldn't be a real kung-fu master!4-star Result
Wow, it's over?3-star Result
It's over already? I was just starting to get warmed up.Sub 3-star Result
Hey, it's no biggie. Just a few scratches and bruises.Operation Failure
Aw... I just wanna go home and sleep...Assigned to Facility
Now that's stylin'!Tap
Stop that, I'm getting dizzy!Trust Tap
Hey, Doctor, want my autograph? I'll take a pic with you if you want, too!Title
Arknights.New Year's blessing
Happy New Year, Doctor! Hehe, back in the old days, theaters would screen my movies this time every year, all playing to a full house! Still, can't live in the past forever. I gotta punch ahead, and people gotta move on forward. Let's forget all our grievances for today!Greeting
Did you have breakfast yet, Doctor?Anniversary Celebration
After I became an Infected, I thought for a bit that my career and my life were both over. Rhodes didn't just rein in my illness, but also gave me a fresh start. Standing up again in dire straits is exactly what the hero does, right? Doctor, Let's climb back to the top, together!