Operator File

Voice Credits
Shash Hira
王辅平 (Wang Fuping)
汐谷文康 (Fumiyoshi Shioya)
황동현 (Hwang Dong-hyun)
Appointed as Assistant
More work? I thought I was here on vacation. Well, I suppose I could help with organizing a few files. How does overtime pay work here?Talk 1
The report you wanted is on the desk. Just one page. It's not there's anything new going on in Kazdel. What did you expect to learn, which way the Temple of Knowledge's doors open? Come on, I'm just a mole in the slums. Well, intelligence officer, in your terminology.Talk 2
Our rules don't work quite the same as Rhodes Island, and we don't have them written down in black and white—paper is expensive, and it's not like most people can read. Nobody calls me Advisor outside the district. You can call me that if you want, but don't expect me to solve your troubles.Talk 3
The bandages on my fingers? It's just for show. Taught a few hoodlums a lesson at the market a few days ago, and the veggie stall owner gave me a few leeks because he saw my bandages and thought I got hurt. What? The blood's seeping through? Oh, er, just beet juice.Talk after Promotion 1
Rye bread is 'bricks'. Coats are 'wallskin'. Sausage? That's just sausage. Why? Would you give a nickname to something that you only get to eat once every three or four years? That's basically the gist of Kazdel street slang. Take a walk around the construction sites, and you've heard just about everything.Talk after Promotion 2
I can't believe you don't get fight every day here on Rhodes Island, with so many people around. At Kazdel, people can get into fights over whether a valve should be turned a full circle or a half circle. You have no idea how hard it is to talk down a few dozen people all holding pitchforks and hoes. I was the last one to leave because my legs were shaking so badly they couldn't move.Talk after Trust Increase 1
Want some sugar? I always carry a few lumps with me when I go out, and throw them at any kids trying to waylay me. If anyone of them reaches for it, they get set upon by the rest of the gang, and then nobody's paying attention to me. What do you mean, tactics? Just telling a little story, that's all.Talk after Trust Increase 2
You don't want all these coupon? Well, don't throw them away, I've almost gotten enough to get a free barbecue dinner. Nope, no mistake at all, it just says the coupons can't be used together. I'll just pay after each plate. Is there a problem? Hey, don't tell Closure! I've got a 50% off coupon for two here. How about we go together?Talk after Trust Increase 3
Looks like budget for next season got a bump? I'm not an information dealer, but I do agree with one of their rules: Valuable information for valuable people only. The reason I don't waste your time with small stuff isn't just because you pay well.Idle
Well, you go about your work, I'm taking a break.Onboard
Here's my recommendation letter. It's been checked by HR. One moment... pardon me. Too many pockets, it gets really confusing.Watching Battle Record
Much more interesting than watching two hoodlums fight.Promotion 1
Your recognition is more precious than any medal, Doctor. Is this pure gold, by the way? I tried biting it, and it's harder than I thought.Promotion 2
Sure, I put my head on the line for you guys, but you don't really want me to lose it, do you? Best that we both keep on living, until the day we've done all that we need to.Added to Squad
And I thought I was going to get a few days off... well, don't worry, I never let you down, do I?Appointed as Squad Leader
This is a big responsibility, guys. I'm counting on you.Depart
Here's the battle plan. If there's anything you don't understand, figure it out yourself.Begin Operation
No need for warnings. Hit them fast and hard, don't give them a chance to react.Selecting Operator 1
Let's go.Selecting Operator 2
My turn already?Deployment 1
It's a complicated situation. This place offers a good view.Deployment 2
No extra pay for tough-than-expected enemies?In Battle 1
I don't need to explain things to you.In Battle 2
You think you've got the time to chat?In Battle 3
Sorry, not taking any prisoners.In Battle 4
Getting dizzy? Good.4-star Result
Wow, that was a close call. One insurance isn't enough if jobs are gonna be that tough.3-star Result
Trembling hand, perfectly normal, proof that I gave my all... I said, perfectly normal!Sub 3-star Result
Don't worry about chasing them, they won't get far. Let's get rested.Operation Failure
Don't panic, there's a way out here, follow me.Assigned to Facility
Well, the place is spacious enough. I wonder how the food is like.Tap
Don't prick your finger.Trust Tap
Fruit's on sale at half-price, and you can use points to redeem them—shh, don't tell anyone, get them before they're gone.Title
Arknights.New Year's blessing
Only ever saw so many lights and decorations at the Sauin parade. The meaning's different, but the impact's the same. No, I'm not going down there. Perfectly happy up here, plus there's the New Year's sale that I've got to queue up for.Greeting
How's your break, Doctor? I still feel a little drowsy.Anniversary Celebration
All the reports have been filed in accordance with your requirements. I even prepared a farewell statement that you can listen to while revoking access. The information that you were most interested in last year was—what's that, you don't need this? But you were saying that looking back is the only way to make sure we're walking straight.