Operator File

Voice Credits
Díana Bermudez
谢莹 (Ying Xie)
水橋かおり (Kaori Mizuhashi)
김하영 (Kim Ha-young)
Appointed as Assistant
Need something? If you don't ,how about some divination?Talk 1
Just tell me when there's work to do. But don't ever put her and me on the same team. I hate her guts. And don't get me started on all the weird food she makes me eat... Just thinking about it makes me... euurghh...Talk 2
No one told me Hibiscus was at Rhodes Island before I got here... It's too late for me to quit now.Talk 3
If you grow up sheltered, you don't know how to taunt, how to destroy, and how to handle yourself in a real fight. Am I right, Doctor?Talk after Promotion 1
Have you ever heard the saying 'little sisters are justice'? If that's true, then my big sis is evil by default... at least as far as I'm concerned.Talk after Trust Increase 1
Instruments? I can play the piano a little. My teacher in Leithanien said learning an instrument can improve your Arts affinity. It also apparently eases the impact that Oripathy has on your mind...Talk after Trust Increase 2
I'm starving... Huh, what's this? You keep sweets in here? Nom... I'm in the middle of training. Should I really be eating this?Talk after Trust Increase 3
See, like, I don't have a big beef with Hibiscus... It's all water under the bridge. I'm fine with her as long as she doesn't force me to eat her medicine and food. After all, she was the one... who saved my life...Idle
I almost envy your ability to sleep like a log...Onboard
I'm Lava, a Caster, here to join you simply because I'm bored and want something to do… But I heard my sworn nemesis is here too, though... Can I just quit now?Watching Battle Record
Thanks.Promotion 1
Did you forget? I don't need a cause to work for, and I don't need a team... but... thanks, I guess...Added to Squad
As far as teamwork's concerned... I don't mind, as long as nobody messes up.Appointed as Squad Leader
I'm not good at this sort of stuff, but if you insist...Depart
Let's go. Keep an eye on my back.Begin Operation
I can see their souls. They're mine to reap.Selecting Operator 1
What are you waiting for?Selecting Operator 2
Hurry up.Deployment 1
Come on.Deployment 2
That's it.In Battle 1
It's game over for you.In Battle 2
Even the dead can't save you.4-star Result
The supreme form of Arts. I'm interested in seeing what it's like.3-star Result
I foresaw this result earlier. A perfect victory.Sub 3-star Result
Well… My fortune telling isn't always right. Sometimes there's a lot of external noise that affects the outcome.Operation Failure
Dammit... These evil spirits are too strong...Assigned to Facility
Oh, come on. I'd rather be alone.Tap
Don't touch me! Uaghh!Trust Tap
Eh, you're not scoring any points with me like that!Title
Arknights.New Year's blessing
I need your help, Doctor. Tell me, Just in what world do I fall under the category of 'Out of Shape?' I was feeding myself some fried-foulbeast, and that annoying Hibiscus took it away, before peeling the coat off and handing the rest back to me! The crispy, crunchy coat! She took it! Gone! There's *NO* way I can get my hands on what I want to eat with her around! There's gonna be a fight... Ugh! Never mind.Greeting
Oh, it's you, Doctor. Morning.Anniversary Celebration
My infection made my sister's life hell as well. It may not look like it, but deep inside my heart resonates with hers, because what we all want is to help those in need with our hands. Speaking of which, isn't she still on shift today? Huh, how can someone have the right to call me the one that worries when she pushes herself this hard?