Operator File

Voice Credits
Lauryn Allman
孙艳琦 (Yanqi Sun)
深田愛衣 (Ai Fukada)
김도희 (Kim Do-hee)
Appointed as Assistant
Filing documents? I thought that was a job for Little Handy... Well, I can do it myself. I could do a lot worse than chatting with you.Talk 1
Ten minutes until ocean current data inflow. I will take four minutes to prepare ink, five minutes to setup the equipment, forty-five seconds to doodle. The last fifteen seconds? Let you remove your hood, of course. Or, what's the difference between a faceless model and a lifeless rock?Talk 2
The Ægir sleep cycle is not affected by time of day. When inspiration strikes, an artist usually stays up for 50 plus hours without a wink of sleep. As for me, I'm more like you people, except I go to bed when the sun rises. It's eight o'clock already? I'm getting sleepy... Hm, why are you yawning too?Talk 3
Why do I enjoy chatting with the robot operators, when the Ægir frown upon emulating humanity with machinery? Hehe, because it's fascinating. Besides, my chats actually prompted Closure to upgrade their cognitive modules, ensuring they won't overload. I may take credit for any breakthroughs in that area.Talk after Promotion 1
Ever since the Waterway opened, swarms of unsightly seaborns have appeared outside the dome. Truly annoying, to say the least. In all seriousness, though, it's my job to observe, record, and accumulate the data needed to eliminate seaborns once and for all. The more brazen they are, the closer an eye I must keep on them.Talk after Promotion 2
When the city was evacuated and the darkness crept in, my fear gripped me so tightly that I scribbled something on the dome without even realizing it. Recently, I went back and found that it was a smiling face. It suddenly dawned on me that I should have faced the darkness with a smile way earlier.Talk after Trust Increase 1
There used to be a bunch of seaweed outside the dome, swaying leisurely to its own pace, no matter how fierce the currents. I've long wanted to grow some myself, stirring the water and watching it linger like nothing happened... kind of like you, Doctor.Talk after Trust Increase 2
I modified this communal umbrella using dome technology. Now it can adjust its shape and opacity, and also detect temperature and humidity. But the Engineering Department didn't feel there was any need for it, and wanted me to change it back, because the tentacle-shaped monitoring unit was too scary... Hmm. Say, do you have an umbrella? Do you want to trade?Talk after Trust Increase 3
Eventide of the Depths', a volcanic power station that once lit the deep in a red glow... Once the war is over, how about we go see it together? Even if it has been overgrown by Seaborn creep, I'm sure you'd come with me to reawaken it without batting an eyelid, wouldn't you?Idle
Friendly reminder! Your face will become my canvas if you doze off at work... Wait, you're really asleep? Turn the temperature up two degrees, Little Handy. It wouldn't be any fun if the Doctor caught a cold.Onboard
Nice to meet you. I'm from Ægir and my name is... Hmm... Why are you staring at the bottle on my belt? Did you want a sip? Certainly, but I take no responsibility for what happens after you drink this ink.Watching Battle Record
Pause, please, Doctor. Turn the image so I can see this one's back... What? This 'video' of yours only allows watching from a fixed angle?Promotion 1
Promotion? Have I really done so well? Or do you just really enjoy working with me?Promotion 2
Another promotion? What's the reason this time...? Extremely precise recommendations based on current movement... Uh-huh. What else? Leveraged her skills in maintenance and repair. Yeah yeah, I agree. C'mon, don't stop the praise, I'm all ears.Added to Squad
Need me for data collection, or dome repair? Neither? You're always so full of surprises.Appointed as Squad Leader
You want me to be the captain? You'd better give me some interesting teammates.Depart
Come with me, everyone. You'll always know me by the ink bottle I carry.Begin Operation
Here comes a wave!Selecting Operator 1
Take it easy. Haste makes waste.Selecting Operator 2
Go on, I'm listening.Deployment 1
I'm on the scene. The flow of the currents... Ah… it's a mess.Deployment 2
It's time to teach these rascals a lesson.In Battle 1
Who's disturbing the currents?In Battle 2
Close your eyes, feel the undulating waves... Too bad, you've fallen into my trap.In Battle 3
Aww, look at you, you've got ink all over you again.In Battle 4
Say something. It would be sad if you sank into the depths without a sound.4-star Result
Defeating a strong foe is satisfying, but don't forget to look up once in a while. See, the sights above… aren't they beautiful?3-star Result
You carried out the plan without the slightest fumble. Not bad. The Institute of Facility Management would appreciate people like you.Sub 3-star Result
A little deviation won't cause any serious issues. I'll stay behind to check for problems.Operation Failure
I know trial-and-error is a painful process. But if you keep knocking yourself like this, I may have to deal with the next job alone, imagine how dull it would be.Assigned to Facility
Turn on the lights, Little Handy. Hey Little Handy? Hello? Alright, where's the switch...?Tap
Well, well, are you asking for a poke in the head?Trust Tap
You can use the ink as you wish, but the mapper? Nah-uh.Title
Arknights.New Year's blessing
My schedule today? Let me check... Huh? You don't work on the first day of the year? Hm, landlubbers do have some strange customs. Alright, let me plan out the day... first, help the Doctor pick a New Year's present.Greeting
You look cheerful. Up to no good?Anniversary Celebration
Look who I found. While there's a vibrant party going on, we've got a lonely soul here reading... Oh, foreign languge, I can't understand it. Hmm.. how about this, Doctor? You tell me what the book is about. I'll tell you the patterns and meanings I've garnered. They're hidden in these lines and spaces between those words. Interested?