Operator File

Voice Credits
Casey Mongillo
三瓶由布子 (Yuko Sanpei)
전숙경 (Jun Suk-kyong)
英英 (Joanne)
Appointed as Assistant
Oh yeah, my dude, when you're callin' my name to get my attention, don't forget to stress the K at the end. Or else I might assume you're stammering or somethin'.Talk 1
Whoa, whoa, hold up! Is that vampire lady none other than 'Mr. Blood'?! Man, we've still not settled that medical score we had a while back, and this is the perfect opportunity! I'll have to set up my experiment equipment later... Heheheheh!Talk 2
Lemme guess, Hung's still tellin' you to watch out around me, ain't he? Oh, just to 'look after me'? Yeah, that sounds like him all right. But listen, Boss, I know your type. You're like me, and you just wanna do whatever you want, right? Then just ignore that guy. We can do whatever fun stuff we like.Talk 3
Yeah, I develop new drugs, do surgery, and nurture bacteria cultures, but those are all just fun hobbies to me. Doc. Aak? Nah, don't call me that. I don't save anyone, 'cuz I can't teach them the value of their lives. All I can do is just prevent 'em from dying.Talk after Promotion 1
The medical department guys are askin' for me? Man, give me a break. I don't dig those professional physicians. They firmly believe that being a doctor's this noble job, and are content with saving more lives... before everything just comes crashing down when their faith got shattered. I've seen that happen time and time again. Honestly, it makes me sad.Talk after Promotion 2
I don't dislike Rhodes Island. Instead, I think you guys are doing your job just fine. People are dyin' in the world right as we speak, and with all those doctors cooping up in labs, waiting for patients to knock on their clinics' doors, diseases ain't rid themselves of these lands. Hardly anyone gets it, but you people seem to have it in mind... Keep up the good stuff, will ya?Talk after Trust Increase 1
Me, a cynic? You got me wrong, my dude. I simply pity all the people on this land. Everyone's got their own hardships to deal with, and I know that. But what's the point of curing pains and sufferings when we can't cure their source? What medicine saves a man who's being murdered? Terra doesn't need more doctors in suits, my dude.Talk after Trust Increase 2
My pops was an amazing doctor, and he was all about saving people's lives. But his colleagues slandered him, sidelined him, and framed him. That's how he ended up as a underground doctor, the nastiest among the wicked. Stuff like that ain't so unusual, but I'll admit, what happened to him really changed my own life.Talk after Trust Increase 3
Have Waai Fu and Hung left? Really? Aight, I'm gonna hang out in your office for a while then. Y'know, if anyone can make this land a better place, it's gotta be people like them. You, meanwhile... Well, guess we are simply two peas in a pod, aren't we?Idle
Aha! You Feelin' tired? Then come try this new compound I made! Free of charge, of course!Onboard
So you're the Doctor, eh? Nice to meet'cha. My name's Aak. That's right, two A's with a K. Anyway, I'm here 'cause the agency got some business here at Rhodes Island. A quick question before we start: does the phrase 'medical mishap' put you off?Watching Battle Record
Huh... Does this mean I might get involved in combat scenarios like this? Surely not, right?Promotion 1
A promotion? Almost too good to be true, man. I knew my agency has been exploiting me all along!Promotion 2
Honestly, I dunno if I'm helpful or not. The way I see it, you've gotta be nice to be helpful, and I'm not blind to how people perceive me. But in any case, if you ever get sick, you know who to call.Added to Squad
We goin' on a mission? Sure, let's do it.Appointed as Squad Leader
All right, team, gimme your thoughts on my new meds after this is done.Depart
Once I start an operation, there's no stoppin' it.Begin Operation
Relax, guys. You just can't die with me by your side.Selecting Operator 1
When prescribing, I always go double-down on the dosage.Selecting Operator 2
I ain't one for battle, but treating peole is so much fun!Deployment 1
Time for a clinical test of my new meds.Deployment 2
Learn to treat yourself with kindness, or regret when sickness treats you.In Battle 1
All lives are equal... while yours is a deviation.In Battle 2
Just take the shot. You will be amazed.In Battle 3
My potion might give the bad guys a new leaf to turn over!In Battle 4
Medicine, a box you wish you've never opened!4-star Result
I doubt I can make the world a better place on my own, but at least I can stop it from gettin' any worse with your help.3-star Result
Could we capture some enemies for a little experimenting? It's not violating ethics as long as no one sees it. Not a chance? Aww.Sub 3-star Result
Letting 'em get away like that? You are a saint.Operation Failure
Don't worry, my dude. I can fix any injury as long as the patient's still breathing.Assigned to Facility
Now, now, let's see. Which of these rooms is my new lab?Tap
Ah?Trust Tap
Yo, my dude! Found any new experiment samples for me?Title
Arknights.New Year's blessing
Happy New Year, my dude. Hung just made a bunch of food, wanna try? I don't really do holidays myself—big rowdy pointless time, when you could be sittin' here takin' the breeze in. But hey, want some tong sui? I got it from the dining table, and man, it's not half bad.Greeting
Hey, my dude. What's cookin'?Anniversary Celebration
Does it matter that much? I don't really super-mind the kind of man I turn out to be in the end, but it's like Waai Fu and Hung keep having these hopes of somethin'. And Rhodes Island's a little better than what I was thinkin' here. So no duh, I'm happy to keep goin' with you guys.