Operator File

Voice Credits
Norma Butikofer
陈彦亦 (Yee Chen)
白石涼子 (Ryoko Shiraishi)
김하루 (Kim Ha-ru)
Appointed as Assistant
I've arranged today's paperwork by category, Doctor. Allow me to assist you with it.Talk 1
I ran into Hibiscus and Lava the last time I came aboard. They were bickering about something or other, as per usual. The two sisters might've grown a lot, but they still love their daily squabbles. Doctor, do you think everybody has one thing about them... that they can never change?Talk 2
What do I do with my time off? Hmm... Well, last time, I went to see the Red Hand Gang and the survivors of that incident. Their perseverance helped me understand, on a deeper level, why Rhodes Island helps people.Talk 3
Please don't avoid necessary training, Doctor. You see, I never missed a single training session. I wouldn't say it makes you totally untouchable in battle, but it can keep you alive. My two scars are proof of that.Talk after Promotion 1
I often think back to when Ace encouraged me to join Rhodes Island. He said I'd become a great operator. That's been my motivation to keep me going through my training. But... it was only when I officially became an operator, that I understood the weight of his expectations.Talk after Promotion 2
What has war revealed to you, Doctor? When I finally stood on the battlefield myself, I came to understand that many commanders see their troops as sacrificial pawns for victory. Ever since, I've always been reviewing and reassessing how I lead my squad. I'm not going to let myself become that kind of commander.Talk after Trust Increase 1
Once back in Londinium, some soldiers from the coalition of dukes laughed at us, calling us fools. But if Rhodes Island's operations really are foolish, then I doubt any action on this land could be called wise.Talk after Trust Increase 2
I sometimes go to the training grounds to guide the recruits. Most times, I'm more worried than they are about any mistakes. I always feel like I should be doing something to help push them along faster. But as Instructor Dobermann always says, I need to relax and give them more time. It looks like I still have a lot to learn.Talk after Trust Increase 3
Oripathy and the Infected are two very big and complex topics. The only thing I can worried about is protecting the people in front of me. But I'd like to believe that, someday, we'll find a solution to those problems. I'll be supporting you the whole way, Doctor.Idle
Doctor...? Oh, you are asleep. I'll handle the rest of your work, then.Onboard
Rhodes Island Operator Fang, reporting in. I look different from before? Yeah, that's right.Watching Battle Record
Now I better understand what I've learned.Promotion 1
Thank you for the promotion. I'll work even harder to improve myself.Promotion 2
To support the weak and protect my friends. That is my creed. The firm hand guiding me forward.Added to Squad
I've read the intelligence report for this operation. Awaiting orders.Appointed as Squad Leader
I'm leading the squad? No problem. I've got plenty of experience.Depart
Don't be nervous. Trust your training.Begin Operation
All units, prepare for contact.Selecting Operator 1
Ready whenever.Selecting Operator 2
I'm here.Deployment 1
Arrived at the objective.Deployment 2
Squad, form up!In Battle 1
Halt! Freeze there!In Battle 2
Charge!In Battle 3
Ready to advance.In Battle 4
I'll run you through!4-star Result
As long as we stay united and keep pushing forward, we have nothing to fear, even from the strongest enemy!3-star Result
Excellent command as always, Doctor. The team is pretty excited. Why not let them congratulate you?Sub 3-star Result
We barely managed to accomplish our objective. I'll get the team together for a postmortem debriefing. We'll do better next time.Operation Failure
We've been blindsided! All units, ensure your safety, retreat now!Assigned to Facility
I'm back. Oh? Everyone's here.Tap
Hmm?Trust Tap
Ah! It's you, Doctor. I thought Kroos was pulling another one of her pranks.Title
Arknights.New Year's blessing
Happy New Year, Doctor. This past year's been really busy, but I got to see many places and experience a lot with Rhodes Island. Alright. Let's push ourselves just as hard next year too!Greeting
I'm always here for you, Doctor.Anniversary Celebration
Rhodes Island's another year older... Time sure flies, and all the former members of Reserve Op Team A1 have joined different departments... Ah, look at me. This is no time to get nostalgic. There's still plenty of new problems for us to tackle.