Operator File

Voice Credits
Stephanie Southerland
武向彤 (Xiangtong Wu)
緒乃冬華 (Fuyuka Ono)
조현정 (Cho Hyun-jung)
Appointed as Assistant
You have to clear all these documents on your desk? Gosh, that's a lot. How about a short break, honey? Tired as you are, a refreshing drink ought to help.Talk 1
What would you like to order tonight? Some ribs, maybe fried fowlbeast? I recommend the ribs with red wine, or the fowl with a glass of sparkling water Hm? You want both? Only if you can finish it all, darlin'. I wouldn't want any to go to waste.Talk 2
I met an interesting guy in Tkaronto who claimed to be the president of the Columbian Chiromancy Association. He was all about palm reading, and insisted on teaching me a thing or two. Unfortunately, I'm not a believer —Why not? Heh. Because for all the nonsense that came out of his mouth, his furry paws didn't have a single crease on them!Talk 3
Davistown is a mining platform. It gets really cold in winter, but the warmth of its residents kept my diner open for more than a decade. Unfortunately, social ties alone couldn't save the iron mine, and it eventually became a Blacksteel training platform. Well, nothing I can do but wish them well. Hope they don't tip the whole thing into a ditch.Talk after Promotion 1
It's in great condition, but I haven't actually used this weapon much in the past few years. A steak knife is enough to settle a dispute. How? Simple, if it's sharp enough to cut a steak, it's sharp enough to cut other things... Wanna see it in action?Talk after Promotion 2
I've seen automated mining platforms. I know it's just a matter of time until those industrial monsters phase out Davistown. But I still can't forgive the profiteers. They never give it a second thought how they're selling more than just the platform, it comes with the lives of everyone on it.Talk after Trust Increase 1
Something bothering you? Need a drink? I learned what I know out in the Columbian wilds, so my drinks aren't exactly stylish, but they pack a punch... Don't look at me like that, hon. We can just chat if you don't want to drink.Talk after Trust Increase 2
Jessica was so gloomy out on the frontier, but she still worked her hardest, day and night. Poor girl wouldn't even admit she was tired when anybody asked... I'm glad to see she looks so much better now that she's here at Rhodes Island with you by her side—Oh, hold still, hon! Your neck and shoulders are stiff as a board. Of course it's gonna hurt when I press down on them like this.Talk after Trust Increase 3
I made a bet that I could drive us from the frontier to Tkaronto in one night. Wanna come along? You ride shotgun, I'll drive. Either I win, or we'll just park the car somewhere and watch the sunrise, play it like we spent the night chasing the dawn.Idle
Doctor, wake up. You'll get a stiff neck if you sleep at your desk. Lay down on the sofa, I already put out a blanket.Onboard
Hello, Doctor. Jessica and I are here to get medical help for our infected Pioneers. She talks about you all the time, so I think we'll be good working together.Watching Battle Record
Hmm… This looks like more trouble than breaking up a fight in the diner...Promotion 1
A company promotion is a wholly new experience for me... thank you, Doctor.Promotion 2
I'm not trying to protect anything, I just want to experience as much goodness as I can, leaving no regrets behind. But, if someone were here to do badness, I wouldn't hesitate to empty my magazine.Added to Squad
I still prefer the conflicts you can settle with a steak knife.Appointed as Squad Leader
I'll assign jobs like I would in the kitchen. Everybody okay with that?Depart
If you feel nervous, think about what song you want to sing at the party afterwards.Begin Operation
I smell something unpleasant burning.Selecting Operator 1
What kind of 'drink' can I fix you?Selecting Operator 2
Who do you want me to target?Deployment 1
Got a clear view here. Hope they don't got the same.Deployment 2
Relax, I'm almost done reloading.In Battle 1
Want a drink? It's on me.In Battle 2
Too bad, I've got you now.In Battle 3
Ready to surrender? No? Sorry about this, then.In Battle 4
Ever stick a hot knife in butter?4-star Result
Well done, Doctor. This drink is to you.3-star Result
Mission complete, easy peasy.Sub 3-star Result
They're no threat anymore. Just let them wander off into the wilderness.Operation Failure
Don't worry about me, I'm just covering your retreat. I've seen worse.Assigned to Facility
Sometimes I miss the days I spent riding a burdenbeast out into the wilds.Tap
Careful, you almost spilled the drink.Trust Tap
Want a slice of this freshly baked meat pie?Title
Arknights.New Year's blessing
I hung up a dartboard in my diner one New Year's Eve. Anybody who beat me could get something on the house, or if they lost they'd to order an extra drink for every extra dart... Wanna guess how quick I sold out of booze that day?Greeting
Hello, Doctor. What can I get you today?Anniversary Celebration
I've been looking around, seeking out all kinds of scenery since I left the city I was born in. There are only two places that have made me consider stopping, Davistown and Rhodes Island.