Rhodes Island Tetralingual Voice Record Archive

Operator File


Voice Credits

Clare Louise Connolly
井琉 (Jing Liu)
皆川純子 (Junko Minagawa)
강새봄 (Kang Sae-bom)
  1. Appointed as Assistant

    We got a lot to do today, Doctor. So how about we play some games first? Isn't getting nice and relaxed the best way to prepare for a hard day of work?
  2. Talk 1

    Aw, I feel so lazy today for some reason! Maybe because Midnight isn't around? I love watching him chat up girls with that flashy smile of his. It's especially fun when the girls turn him down! Totally makes my day.
  3. Talk 2

    Doctor, you know who's the most reliable in our group? Oh, you can't guess? It's Spot! He might be quiet, but he's very reliable. So why don't we get him here to offer a hand? After all there's so much work for only two of us, don't you think?
  4. Talk 3

    Aw... Ms. Orchid yelled at me again today. She's such a nag! Must be work getting into her head and stressing her out. She should learn from me—I have the perfect balance between working hard and playing hard!
  5. Talk after Promotion 1

    Hey, where's Dobermann? She's out on business today? Yay, finally! I can slack off all day now, wonderful! I'm gonna go get some snacks first. Doctor, you want some chips or popcorn? I'll grab a bag for you!
  6. Talk after Trust Increase 1

    Uh, Popukar, sweetie, please listen to me, I'll do anything you say, okay? J-just put down the chainsaw! Oh no, she's out of control! This is the worst! Doctor, run! Run! We gotta jump out the window! Yeah, the window! Follow me!
  7. Talk after Trust Increase 2

    The town I came from... the mayor was a tyrant, a fat cat with no heart, no sympathy. Drove the townspeople nuts. I hated him too, so I blasted open his vault and handed out all the money I found to the townies. Now that was a good time!
  8. Talk after Trust Increase 3

    I don't care what anybody thinks of me—it's more important that I just enjoy every day doing what I like. My life belongs to me, so I alone decide what I do. Isn't that right?
  9. Idle

    Doctor's asleep? Well, can't interrupt a beauty nap. Guess I'll go out and have some fun.
  10. Onboard

    Reserve OP Team A6, Catapult, reporting in! Hey, I can tell you're hella different from that stuffy old bit—I mean, that esteemed, honorable instructor Ms. Dobermann. Right? Like it's obvious!
  11. Watching Battle Record

    ...Ahhh, that was a nice nap.
  12. Promotion 1

    Hehe, I finally finished basic training. Wait, what? Dobermann will keep overseeing the newbies, even AFTER their promotions? You gotta be kidding me! No—
  13. Added to Squad

    It's not time to head out yet, right? Let me hang out for a bit longer...
  14. Appointed as Squad Leader

    I'm the captain? Haha~I've been waiting forever to hear those words!
  15. Depart

    Aw man, where did I leave my ammunition belt?
  16. Begin Operation

    Ugh, I hate fighting. But what else can I do?
  17. Selecting Operator 1

    What's up?
  18. Selecting Operator 2

    Whatever you say.
  19. Deployment 1

    Safe landing!
  20. Deployment 2

    Time for business.
  21. In Battle 1

    Watch how I get them with one shot!
  22. In Battle 2

    You're all gonna fly!
  23. 4-star Result

    What an awesome formation! You got some great tactics, Doctor. And it all went down perfect!
  24. 3-star Result

    I love commanders that lead us to victory! Just like you, Doctor!
  25. Sub 3-star Result

    Relax, I set a whole bunch of traps right where the enemy's gonna be running. What? They didn't step in any of them? No way!
  26. Operation Failure

    Oh shoot! Hurry up, Doctor. We gotta move!
  27. Assigned to Facility

    Psst, care to take a peek and tell me if Dobermann's in there?
  28. Tap

    You can't catch me! ...Oh, you can.
  29. Trust Tap

    Doctor, you're an awesome leader!
  30. Title

  31. New Year's blessing

    Doctor! Quick! Stop what you're doing! We don't get to take time off for new year's everyday, and you're just commiting a crime letting your works trouble you. Get out of your room, and let's have some fun!
  32. Greeting

    Doctor! I'm right here!
  33. Anniversary Celebration

    I don't like working, but Rhodes Island isn't so bad. Instead of evil landlords, you have comrades you can trust to have your back, and that's enough for me. Say, if today's special, does that mean I get the day off?