Operator File

Voice Credits
Lauren Conroy
沈玥 (Iris)
豊崎愛生 (Aki Toyosaki)
손선영 (Son Sun-young)
Appointed as Assistant
Assistant? The one where ye just stand next tae folk, aye? Nae bother, saw that plenty in the army myself. Wait, I have tae do paperwork too? And assess combat data? And compile reports?! Th-that sounds mighty hectic.Talk 1
Back in school, Chenchen always had a pissed off look on her face, made no end of enemies at first, but tha's just the kind of girl she is. Nae time at all, she had people seein' her wi fresh eyes. But y'know, bandagin' up her wounds, cookin' for her, teamin' up wi her squad and all that... I had tae look after her a fair bit, and that was no easy thing.Talk 2
I'm great at drivin' machines! Harvesters, tractors, tillers, I'll be right at home wi anythin'. Hm? PDAs? Screens? Wireless systems? If yer meanin' little gadgety stuff, I'm nae so—ah crims, I just barely touched this—why's it smokin'?Talk 3
Ye didnae get a proper supper in yesterday, did ye? No, I dinnae want tae hear aboot 'work, work, work'! If yer body gives out on ye, ye willnae be able tae get a thing done. Tell me what ye'd like, and I'll whip it right up for ye. Ah, na anything too fancy though, aye? I'd be lost tryin'.Talk after Promotion 1
This Rhodes Island ship is... crivens, it's a million times more wonderful than Victoria's warships! We've got sunlight, wheat fields, herds of stockbeasts... Doctor, what if, we try growin' somethin' too? Like potatoes, say? I know all aboot growin' potatoes!Talk after Promotion 2
Where d'ye think someone's hometown ends? The hoose furthest from the tractors? Or where the land meets the sky? Does it stop at the fronts we keep drawin' and redrawin' maps wi, all reds and blues and lines and arrows...? Y'know, after so many battles... sometimes I cannae recall what my hometown looks like.Talk after Trust Increase 1
I'm sure that I ran across her once, that Reed lass. But she looks so lonely the noo, so pitiful... can she really be the same terrifyin' person I met before? It's right strange. I should go ask her... What? I cannae talk tae her? Why no?!Talk after Trust Increase 2
My mum's part of the reason I ended up runnin' off to military school at all. Always bangin' on like 'Vouivre women must keep gettin' stronger', she is. ...S'pose I wanted to be cheeky about it, aye? Though lookin' back on it, no need to be AS tough as my mum. Och, I'm still more soft and cute than hard and chiselled, wouldn't you say? Go on, say?Talk after Trust Increase 3
When I was still in the army, I came across this spectre-like force. Hauntin' the dark edges of Victoria, and most of the people who witnessed them went missin'. I've a duty to expose them, and that's why I've been scramblin' aboot. Oh, dinnae you step in for me. You've got yer own callin' to worry about, na?Idle
Ah! Fancy that, skivin' off! Aww, got me jealous. Doesnae beat a nice hay pile for a few winks though, aye? I'm noddin' off just thinkin' aboot it... Wouldn't hurt tae take a wee kip myself...Onboard
Hello! You're the Doctor, aye? Officer Ch'en fae Lungmen said I'd be able tae find some helpers here! I need tae sign my name first? Aye, right enough. Baaag...pipe. There! Eh? 'Become an Operator?' 'Full-time bed and board'? Ach, what's goin' on here?!Watching Battle Record
Whoa, you folks here at Rhodes Island sure can fight!Promotion 1
A promotion? Hmm... cannae say if I like it or na. For soldiers, more responsibilities means more battles, and a greater risk of mistakes.Promotion 2
Joinin' Rhodes Island has been a good thing for me. Oripathy and the Infected may seem a touch scary at first, but runnin' from it willnae solve a thing. That's what I've learned here, and I mean it when I say, thank you—I see my way now, right ahead of me.Added to Squad
Stand to attention!Appointed as Squad Leader
Assumin' leadership! Team will hereby carry out the operation!Depart
Honor your orders! Move out!Begin Operation
All units, spread out!Selecting Operator 1
Orders, please.Selecting Operator 2
Standing by.Deployment 1
Forward!Deployment 2
My spear and I hail from Victoria!In Battle 1
'Tactics sharpen the mind!'In Battle 2
'Discipline strengthens the will!'In Battle 3
'Bravery shall overcome evil!'In Battle 4
'Benevolence shall save lives!'4-star Result
Be it school or the military, I've still seen worse.3-star Result
Phew... I've managed tae live up t' the reputation of this uniform once more.Sub 3-star Result
Enemy routed! All units, pursue only wi caution!Operation Failure
You get out of here! Go!Assigned to Facility
How do I get tae the greenhoose?Tap
Whoa-whoa!Trust Tap
Wanna go on a picnic? Just the two of us!Title
Arknights.New Year's blessing
The toon always used tae get together at New Year's back home. Roastin', drinkin', dancin' aboot bonfires, playin' bagpipes loud and proud, and then gettin' all kitted out in fancy dress and jumpin' straight intae the freezin' lake. Oh, it isnae anythin' too serious really, just a daft auld way of sobering up a wee bit.Greeting
Doctor, how's about we go farmin'!Anniversary Celebration
Thinkin' over it, I've been through a fair few battles wi all the folks at Rhodes Island by now. I really do miss the days of lyin' in the hay havin' a nap sometimes. But nobody'd have an idle life to live if I put this spear doon and left, ye ken? So you'll no catch me moanin' aboot it!