Operator File

Voice Credits
Rebecca Hanssen
杨佳妮 (Jenny)
矢口アサミ (Asami Yaguchi)
이세레나 (Lee Serena)
Added to Squad
Handoff complete. Awaiting orders.Appointed as Squad Leader
Attention casters: set comms to operation channel.Depart
Move up and stay frosty.Begin Operation
Opertaion is a go. Keep your support countersign in mind.Selecting Operator 1
Awaiting coordinates.Selecting Operator 2
Waiting for target mark.Deployment 1
Initiating sweep.Deployment 2
Ten-four.In Battle 1
Art's free, fire at well.In Battle 2
It's over.In Battle 3
Annihilating.In Battle 4
I will decide your ending.3-star Result
Victory is yours, as always.